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Luke 5:28 "...and he left everything, and rose and followed Him."

Matthew's dominant spiritual attribute is WILL.

Like most of the Disciples, Matthew -- at one time called Levi -- was a native of Galilee.  A publican or tax-collector, and a money changer, Matthew was a well-educated and a wealthy man who had more worldly goods to give up than some of the other Disciples.  He seems like unlikely material for a Disciple, but Jesus in his great wisdom, looked into the heart of a man called "Levi" and said: "Follow me".....and the man we know as "Matthew" arose, forsook all that he had and followed Jesus.

Matthew is noted for his interest and determination in proving Jesus to be the true "Messiah" promised by Old Testament prophets.  A great debt of gratitude is owed to this Disciple, for it was Matthew who preserved the exact words of Jesus.

Although the spiritual attribute Matthew represents is WILL, the lesson we learn from him is that we are to surrender the human will to the will of God, saying : "Not my will, but Thy will be Done."
"From the book Jesus and the Twelve, The Geographical Publishing Company, Inc. Chicago, Illinois, 1967"


Nothing definite is known of Matthew's career. After preaching in Judea, different traditions place his missionary work and possible martyrdom in Ethiopia or Persia.

The first Gospel of the New Testament has from the earliest times been attributed to Matthew.

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