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John 6:8, 9 -- One of the Disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to Him: "....There is a lad here who had five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they among so many."

Andrew's dominant spiritual attribute is STRENGTH.

The first real friend that Jesus had was Andrew, and the strength he showed was primarily strength of character.  Like Peter, his brother, for whom he worked, he was a fisherman on the sea of Galilee. 

Andrew was also called "the introducer", for it was he who introduced his brother to Jesus, as soon as he knew that this was the true "Messiah".  He brought before Him, the little boy with the loaves and fishes, when Jesus fed the 5,000 hungry people.  It was he that introduced the first of the Greeks to Jesus -- and it is believed that when he went to bring his brother, Peter, to Jesus, it is believed that John went with him and called his brother James.  Andrew was there when John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the River Jordan.

Many Scotch and Russian Christians have Andrew as their patron saint.

Andrew was a gentleman, for he did all things with gentleness and love.  He met his death because he refused to worship a pagan god.  Forgiving to the end, his last words, according to legend, were: "Would Father, that I had time to teach truth to my murderers..."
"From the book Jesus and the Twelve, The Geographical Publishing Company, Inc. Chicago, Illinois, 1967"

ANDREW, BROTHER OF SIMON PETER - A FISHERMAN Andrew was originally a disciple of John the Baptist. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, claims are that Andrew preached in Achaia (southern Greece) and Scythia (Ukraine and southern Russia - St. Andrew is the patron saint of Russia), and was crucified at Patras in Achaia. A later tradition describes him as being crucified in a spread-eagled position - hence the St. Andrew's cross of Scotland.

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